contest living trust, property quick deed questions


New Member
Not sure how to begin, I'm not really sure if my parents knew what they were signing over to my daughter. My brother and I believe there is something to be looked into regarding her acquiring the home. Leaving all other heirs out of any claim to my parents estate. I believe the documents signing of the quick deed were not fully understood and explained to my parents in spanish, their native language. My mother and father did not understand , my daughter to this day has not executed my mother's living trust either. There was elderly abuse involved, in the sense of how the house was kept and more that my brother and I were not aware of I'm sure. I have witnesses to the conditions towards the end of my parents lives. Lots of pictures. Just really confused on what to do if anything.
You start by discussing events with an attorney.
In fact talk to two or three attorneys.
The initial consultation is normally free of charge.
You can also meet with a police or sheriff's detective and explain why you believe crimes were committed and who you believe committed the crimes.