conti- 2nd degree burns from babysitters' negligence

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thanks for replying. Dss and the police have investigated the whole matter. They have ruled it as an accident. The girl is not allowed to be around my daughter anymore. But I was wondering whether or not her medicaid pays for this, could I go for more than medical bills? Like pain and suffering? She is constantly in pain and can't sleep. I have had to take off from work w/ no pay to care for her and buy medical supplies. Plus she can't even walk, it has been over two wks since the accident, the doctors say she may be walking in another month or so. Would it be worth getting a lawyer for or would getting them to pay for anything except medical bills be pushing it?
I really have no idea what you might be able to sue her for. You really should see an attorney.

You probably could sue her for any medical bills that have incured but you did not specify whether Dad is going to pay those. I am not sure on suing for pain and suffering on behalf of her.
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