Continuing court date

Can an immigration lawyer find out the exact reasons for my refusal to visa or does he have access to just the general reasons

Does a BAC of 0.0000 on your court document, indicate the actual BAC value or does 0.0000 mean that the results have not yet been received by the court.
What matters is the result that comes from the lab. The actual BAC likely is not yet reflected on the document you are viewing. Your lawyer will be able to acquire any test results and share them with you before you have a trial.
It is also possible to get a DUI with a 0% BAC if you were under the influence of other substances. The blood test will reveal whatever might have been in your system at the time.
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It is also possible to get a DUI with a 0% BAC if you were under the influence of other substances. The blood test will reveal whatever might have been in your system at the time.

Dude originally posted:

Officer had asked me if I drank alcohol or no? I told him I had one sip of a breezer.

Someone probably prevaricated, not about the BOOZE, more than likely about the devil's weed!

The medical tests will reveal the truth....

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