My wife and I recently put and offer through our real estate agent on a home in FLA. Of course the contract was contingent upon inspection. Well the inspection came back with some minor issues but a few major screened in pool screens ripped and needed replacing, roof buckling in 1 area and biggest was drywood termite damage (wood framed home) Of course our realtor sent an email to their agent saying inspection was unsat and gave reasons contract was cancelled. Well they came back and said they would fix items. To make a long story short we felt very uncomfortable about the termites, they did a spot treatment and called it good, also we had another inspection done closing day and some of the items they said they would repair were not done. We said we didn't want to go forward and also the bank recinded the loan because the home didn't have a clear WDO report concerning termites since it had only been spot treated. They now want our $5000 escrow $$ and are threatening to sue. We dotted all our eyes and crossed alll ts, do they have a leg to stand on and shouldn't we get our escrow $$ back. I'm sorry this is so longwinded, we are so frustrated! Thank you in advance!