Contractor Guarantees

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Three years ago, our asphalt driveway was replaced by a contractor with a concrete driveway for approximately $4k.

Within 6 months of completion, driveway began to crack severely and showed unusual signs of wear. Contractor was notified and asked to rectify the situation. Contractor offered to replace cracked sections of driveway, blaming the situation on bad batches on concrete. Contractor stated that driveway would be completed the following spring. Every few months from this period on, the contractor has stalled saying that he would complete the repair once his other jobs were complete. Now he has flat out denied he has any guarantee to his work performed and has offered only $500 to rectify the situation. This same contractor has indicated replacement of broken pieces of driveway would cause upwards of $1000.

I don't know much about the law, but is there some implied guarantee to the driveway even though there was no written guarantee? Since the payment was substantial and the driveway was surely intended not to crack or damage within a year of completion, is there any recourse on my part in small claims court? Is my situation actionable now that so much time has passed. I realized that if I ever had an opportunity to pursue this legally, it probably has passed statuatory limits. Please advise if I am mistaken, since Contractor deliberately stalled for probably this exact reason.

Thank you so much for any help in this matter.
Get an estimate to repair the driveway and sue him in small claims. The longer you wait the less chance you have of recovery.
I just completed a class on asphalt for state certification as a inspector in VA it sounds to me like he didnt have a good base for the driveway to set on ( not packed down enough) also the minimum thickness of an extra top coat is 4'' for resurfaceing on state highways in VA I know you probably dont know but there is like 12 diff grades of asphalt call around to the local asphalt plants where he gets his and have them to check the weight tickets for that date this will tell you what grade of stuff he bought and how much it weighed then talk to another paver and get an estimate on how much he thinks it would take to do it sounds crooked to me another crooked trick is to round over the edges of the driveway so the owner cant tell how much he puts down it just so pretty and black and new the same thing for concrete when your a contractor you order the mix you want dont listen to that junk i know check amounts ordered on that date have a inspector test the hardness ask the concrete co who figured the mix that batch they will know check the thickness bust off a peice or two to take to court hope i was some help
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