Consumer Law, Warranties contracts

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I live in Kentucky, and I would like to know how legally binding are verbal agreements (contracts). I was involved in a situation at a place of employment a few months ago. I work in the broadcasting industry, and I took a job after those who hired me ( a news and traffic report provider) agreed to allow me to continue to work at my then current job until the new owners of the radio station I worked for moved the station to another location. Neither job conflicted with the other in terms of scheduling. The new employers set my schedule for 1am to 9am, Mon - Fri. My other employer (the radio station) scheduled me from 9:30am to 6pm, Mon - Fri. One of the two people involved in my being hired left the company a couple months later. A few weeks after he left, I was approached by the other person, who said he wanted to change my schedule to afternoon hours. Obviously, this person knew that would conflicted with my schedule at my other job. A couple of weeks after first being approached about the change in my schedule, I was told the change was mandatory. As a result, I was forced to give my resignation. The person who had a part in hiring me and then left the company is still in the same city, and I may be able to have him as a witness to the verbal agreement. I would like to know if I have a basis for civil action against that person and the company they represent. Now, this may not carry any weight, but the company in question has had a class action suit brought against them in the past with some of the same people involved.
Are you an at will employee? It would seem that they can decide to change your hours if they want to or let you go at will. You may have a case for some damages (don't really know how much) if they knew that you had another position and you took them and passed up on other opportunities based upon your reliance on their representation. That would be an issue of proof and you'll probably need to show damages.
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