Business Contracts contractual agreement

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My company had a business relationship as a contractor with a client in Indiana, they broke off our business relationship violating several financial elements of the agreement.
First. The partners agreed to pay a relocation fee of $2,000
Second. They had to give me a 30 day notice before terminating our relationship during which I was going to be paid $6,000
Third the last check they made to me was for 1/3 of what they owed me.So the total of what the company owes me as of today is $9,000
What legal action am I entitle to?What is the best way to proceed?
Thank you.
If anyone owes you money for anything, even failure to pay under a contract and refuses to pay; off to court you must go.
Only a judge has the power to issue a judgment.

Yoyr work isn't done,if you get that judgment. You then must TRY to collect on it. Assuming you're successful, you won't see a dollar if that money until autumn, maybe winter, maybe never. But, you'll have a pretty piece of legal paper with a sweet seal of justice proclaiming BUDDY owes YOU nine grand. Good luck.
If you want the full amount owed, you will not be able to go the small claims court route. The maximum amount for small claims court is $6,000 in Indiana.
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