Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Contributing to a minor

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New Member
Hey I am new here and have a situation. My girlfriend was at work and she is taking care of a 16 yr old kid with a criminal history ie drugs alcohal. Well while she was at work he decided to h ave a party and there was some weed and alcohal there.

she did not find out until the police came to arrest her because he told them she bought it for h im. now i know for a fact that she did not buy it. without proof of who bought it...what can they do to her? can she be arrested and do some time for it?

i am very concerned about this and need to know asap what her options are and if they can even arrest her when she can prove she was not even home.
You need to get a lawyer as soon as possible.

Obviously, the cops think they have a good case or you would not have been arrested.
All she told me was that she was at the court house and the judge called her and told her she could pay the fine by 2pm today or they would lock her up. how long can she be locked up for, especially without any proof of who bought the beer? I am going to speak to my criminal justice instructor who is a lawyer about the situation and see what he says.
I find it extremely odd that a judge would call someone and tell them something like that.

Why did that happen?
It sounds like she might have pled guilty.

- Carl
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