Conversation Use


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place..

I was just wondering when I would be able to use the conversation option...Anyone know?
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place..

I was just wondering when I would be able to use the conversation option...Anyone know?

That is an option that is only used by a very small number of people.

One of the reasons is there are many sites which allow that option.

Our most esteemed, beloved site owner/operator has decided after some discussion and debate to limit its use.

Michael Wechsler ·
Sorry if I posted in the wrong place..

I was just wondering when I would be able to use the conversation option...Anyone know?

I think you have to adjust your profile first to allow people to converse with you. Click on the profile icon (the torso at the top of the page next to inbox), click on Privacy, scroll down to Start Conversations With You, check the box and choose Members Only.

Then go to Inbox and try to start a new conversation with me to see if it works.
I think you have to adjust your profile first to allow people to converse with you. Click on the profile icon (the torso at the top of the page next to inbox), click on Privacy, scroll down to Start Conversations With You, check the box and choose Members Only.

Then go to Inbox and try to start a new conversation with me to see if it works.
It won't allow me to converse. Does this mean that I am NOT in the "select few" category? :P
Blue, give it a few days. I talked to the owner a few days ago and he was going to increase privileges for several people; he's probably still in process.
Does this mean that I am NOT in the "select few" category? :p

Apparently not.

It didn't work the way I thought it did.

I was able to start a conversation with cbg but not with Army Judge though the 3 of us are Super Moderators and should share the same privileges. Though it might be that Army Judge declined conversations.
Blue, give it a few days. I talked to the owner a few days ago and he was going to increase privileges for several people; he's probably still in process.
Oh! Okay...I didn't realize that the convo feature was limited when I posted this thread.
Apparently not.

It didn't work the way I thought it did.

I was able to start a conversation with cbg but not with Army Judge though the 3 of us are Super Moderators and should share the same privileges. Though it might be that Army Judge declined conversations.
Thanks for all the assistance guys... :)

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