Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Cops took cellphone

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I was arrested for paraphanalia found in friends car. Cops tried to get hef to lie about other stuff they found being mine as well. I am processed and posted bond. They hold me for 2.5 hours after bond was posted. The arresting officer shows up goes to the property room and as he walks out the door they call me for release. Propdrty clerk sYs the deputy had a search warrant for my phone and took it. I azked for my copy of the warrant and he said dont get one. I asked for a receipt for the phone said i dont get one.... think the question poses itself. Thank you for any input. My friend was " pulled ovef for not stoping properly at a stop sign" 2.5 miles away from where they pullex us over
My guess is that the clerk told you that the phone is being held as evidence. Perhaps they suspect you of dealing drugs using the phone. This is probably why you can't just walk out of the police station with the phone.
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