Copyright Infringement...?

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The other day I was on eBay hunting for some good deals on electronics and I came across something that didn't look right..

I found an ad for a device that I am very familiar with, because I own one.. yet the eBay seller had modified the image of the device so that the make and model number were gone! Interesting! I decided to take a closer look...

The ad is describing the device that I own to a *T* - how it works, ease of use, etc.. however, the ebay seller is claiming to be the creator of the device! Not only that, but he is claiming that NO OTHER PRODUCT ON THE MARKET CAN DO WHAT HIS DEVICE DOES, and he is a POWER EBAY SELLER - selling x30+ units FOR MORE MONEY THAN THE DEVICE SELLS FOR IN STORES!:eek:

What a SCUMBAG! He's taking a product that's already on the market, photoshopping the make and model number off the front panel of the device, hyping up the product saying things like "TOTALLY NEW TECHNOLOGY! YOU CAN'T GET THIS QUALITY FROM ANY OTHER DEVICE ON THE MARKET! EXCLUSIVE PROCESSING POWER!!!" then he is selling it for a hundred dollars more than they are sold for brand new in stores!:mad:

The device is actually manufactured by a large, well-known electronics corporation here in North America and Europe, and this guy is totally ripping them off!

Now since I have respect for the company being ripped off I phoned their corporate headquarters.. Hopefully this schmuck gets thrown in the tank soon!

This was back around the first week of January. I still haven't heard anything back from their Corporate headquarters, and the guy's eBay ads are still online! He's still trying to sell 30 of them!

Maybe their lawyers are just handing this guy rope to hang himself with?
I thought that they might try to buy one of the units from him to incriminate him further..:D

Anyway I was hoping someone out there who knows exactly what laws this guy is breaking and what kind of a jail sentance he's looking at could tell me!

dir3ktjiv3 said:
The other day I was on eBay hunting for some good deals on electronics and I came across something that didn't look right..

I found an ad for a device that I am very familiar with, because I own one.. yet the eBay seller had modified the image of the device so that the make and model number were gone! Interesting! I decided to take a closer look...

The ad is describing the device that I own to a *T* - how it works, ease of use, etc.. however, the ebay seller is claiming to be the creator of the device! Not only that, but he is claiming that NO OTHER PRODUCT ON THE MARKET CAN DO WHAT HIS DEVICE DOES, and he is a POWER EBAY SELLER - selling x30+ units FOR MORE MONEY THAN THE DEVICE SELLS FOR IN STORES!:eek:

What a SCUMBAG! He's taking a product that's already on the market, photoshopping the make and model number off the front panel of the device, hyping up the product saying things like "TOTALLY NEW TECHNOLOGY! YOU CAN'T GET THIS QUALITY FROM ANY OTHER DEVICE ON THE MARKET! EXCLUSIVE PROCESSING POWER!!!" then he is selling it for a hundred dollars more than they are sold for brand new in stores!:mad:

The device is actually manufactured by a large, well-known electronics corporation here in North America and Europe, and this guy is totally ripping them off!

Now since I have respect for the company being ripped off I phoned their corporate headquarters.. Hopefully this schmuck gets thrown in the tank soon!

This was back around the first week of January. I still haven't heard anything back from their Corporate headquarters, and the guy's eBay ads are still online! He's still trying to sell 30 of them!

Maybe their lawyers are just handing this guy rope to hang himself with?
I thought that they might try to buy one of the units from him to incriminate him further..:D

Anyway I was hoping someone out there who knows exactly what laws this guy is breaking and what kind of a jail sentance he's looking at could tell me!

The problem is that sometimes the cost to prosecute and time it takes can be prohibitive. In this instance, there is also the issue of how much damage the company suffers, in that they are compensated for their products and someone else is doing marketing for them and trying to establish a higher price point, also not necessarily bad for the company. The bigger issue is whether there are other bigger fish that the company is trying to fry and I don't doubt that they are. Having worked as legal counsel I can tell you that I am morally offended by this act you reported but chances are my desk would have been filled with more pressing matters that were for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions, that would dwarf this issue with the individual seller.

You might do best by sending this alleged fraudulent post to ebay themselves. That might put some pressure on the seller as well as any type of comments that you may be able to leave.

I hope this gives you a little insight as to what is going on. Many thanks for trying to keep the world a better place for the rest of us. :D
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