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Legally speaking, can the landlord can force her to pay for replacement of the carpet dug up by the rodents?

My concern is that the rodents are doing this because they're nesting and I am concerned for the safety of the child (and the family) esp during the pandemic. The bird has been listed for adoption on Craig's List and I've brought him home with me until he can be adopted out, so no more closets for him.

"Pest Control" apparently showed up yesterday and claimed they need the unit "deep cleaned" of existing rat droppings, so that he can "track the hole from which the rats are coming". From her description, he sounds like a maintenance guy from another complex owned by the LL because I've never heard of a pest control guy claiming that he cannot do anything for an infestation until the home is cleared of the existing "rat poop".

Is a rodent infestation legally the tenant's fault? Again, she's been there 7+ years and it began last year (strangely coinciding with the start of the pandemic).


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