New Member
A huge conflict of interest is taking place involving the judge, administrator, and the opposing attorney. The whole case is built on false documents. The situation is my father passed away with no will leaving me in total control of everything. This young lady did nothing to prove to my daddy before he passed that he was the father. He tried to find out but she would not cooperate. But as soon as he pass he's the daddy to try an collect. So her attorney and other doctored up papers to collect out of the estate. Me and children was living in my fathers house they evicted us out. I've been put jail and they are trying to put me in jail again. I proved that I was my father child by DNA 99.9998 his kid. I've with my dad growing up. He co-signed for me a car. They have filed petition and do not serve me with my copy on purpose to get what they was asking for. When I asked for a set aside motion to have a hearing about there petition the judge denied it. How can you something if all parties was not a were of whats going on. So it a lot of Illegal things is going in this courtroom. I've spoken to a guy that is running for county commissioner chairman. He stated that I was the fifth persons to tell him that some corruption was going on in that courtroom with that same judge. So I feel that someone need to step in an take a look at some the things that as happened with them. I honestly feel that they did not meet the proof by law to be able to collect from the estate.