Could I claim damages for emotional distress?

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I signed a 12-month lease with a roommate (whom I met on cragslist). One month into the lease the roommate suspected me of going into his room and 'snooping around.' He based this on the fact that he had found some of my mail on his bookshelf on a Saturday. I left the mail on the bookshelf that previous Thursday while helping him change some lightbulbs.

He decided to confront me about this at 3:45 am that Sunday morning. He entered my room while I slept and started asking me questions. I woke up to find him in my room (I'm not sure which one of us turned on the light). When I struggled to answer his questions, he berated me with 'what kind of a wh*re of a mother raised you' and 'you're just pi**ing me off by being a pu**y and not admitting to it, motherf***er.'

He kept up the language for another 15 minutes as I struggled to realize why my mail was in his room. When I finally figured it out, he initially believed me and then left the apartment. Then he called me and sent several text messages telling me that he didn't believe me. His texts called me a 'sketchy bastard' and a 'f**k up.'

I was so shaken up I drove to my gfs place at 5 am. Then I had to work 10am-5pm. I tried to file a police report afterwards but no crime had been committed. I was so terrified of him that I spent the next 6 days (until he finally vacated the apartment) living at my girlfriends place.

My question is: do I have any room to sue him for emotional distress and if so, what are the chances that I could actually claim damages from this?

Please let me know if I should post this in a different forum.
You have no case.
You have no proof.
Do you think he'd admit to any if this?
Even if he did, you have no damages.

Don't live with people you don't know

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I have his text messages and I have phone records of me calling people at 4 in the morning to see what I should do. I also have him calling me around the same time.

However, all that is moot if I cannot claim damages. I appreciate your time.
Army judge's advice is just right... very concise - there are just certain scenarios when we feel like suing but we just can't for it is just a waste of our time and money.
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