coworker slandering me, employer not taking action

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Last month a coworker said I used her name to call in a repair order for a broken machine in our office. I didn't, told her I didn't, the repair company(part of our organization) said I didn't, They told her they just picked a name from our dept.
She says she doesn't believe me, says using her name is like stealing her identity or SS#. It would be a bizarre thing to do, I would have no reason on earth to do it. The repair people, her boss, my boss, HR were all involved. She was rude with me, hasn't talked to me in weeks now. I wanted a meeting with everyone in July when it happened to clear it up, but we are only getting together now, on Friday. My boss told me today the coworker will forget it, HR says "what do I think a meeting will accomplish, we can't make her apologize?" I just don't believe a coworker can harass someone without any repercussions. I work in NY state.
The fact that she is not talking to you is in no way harassment... It is childish, but not at all harassment. A meeting will not accomplish anything but create an akward situation amongst you and your co-workers. The solution for this incident is for you to be patient and let her get over the issue until she realizes that what she is doing is infantile and time will show her that you had no involvement on what happened. Hope this helps!
What is it you want of us? No law has been broken. Your employer is under no obligation to deal with this if they choose not to. Presutin is correct.
After reading some of the other entries, I see things could be so much worse. Actually I am probably lucky she has decided to not talk. You just want to protect your good name, you know? It's priceless. Thank you for the info.
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