Coworker with mental health issues and violent tendencies

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I have a coworker who has exhibited signs of aggression, harrasment, and abuse since I was hired a year and half ago. While there are formal forums for complaints against management there are no formal forums for complaints against coworkers. Everyone who has worked with this individual has complained of incidents to the office manager; however, the office manager does not discipline the individual instead he disciplines the entire office and ultimately places responsibility on us for resolving the issue. I have good reason to believe that this person suffers from Delusional Personality Disorder and I fear the day that this person comes to work with a shot gun. More recently this individual has begun to target my co-worker with sexual harrasment, slander, and even physical abuse in the form of slapping. This individual has also been known to expose herself, throw objects, and basically exhibit all the signs of a severe adult temper tantrum. Personally I have only suffered verbal abuse and slander but I have been witness to other acts of aggression and abuse. I have no hard evidence - just verbal complaints and coworker eye witnesses - all hearsay. What can I do? Is there anything in the law that requires employers to respond to signs of severe mental illness before violence occurs? Or do we have to wait until someone dies to put up a stop sign?
Can you complain to a higher up?
I have complained to the office manager. Complaining higher up gets complicated. I am a member of a union and I work for a union. I could file a grievance against my employer for not disciplining her. The problem with this course of action is that I have no hard evidence - everything is verbal and witnesses - and she appears quite lucid when called to testify. The shop steward that I would have to file through takes her side on every issue. I couldn't even count on my steward to actually file the grievance properly. And even if it was filed, they would sit on it until it became mute.
The only thing you mention that the employer would be required by law to address is sexual harassment. Employees with mental or emotional illnesses have certain protections under the law and it's a very hard line to draw sometimes.

If he sexually harasses someone, then report that harassment to HR.
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