CPS and Child Support


New Member
I have a friend who has 4 children and pays child support every month to their mother. Recently the mother lost custody of the children and the father was awarded custody through CPS. Even though mom no longer has the children, the father is still having to pay the mother child support. WHY? CPS is telling him he has to go thru court and the attorney generals office says CPS should handle it. Please help!!
He might want to talk to a lawyer. He will most likely have to go through the court system to get the support order changed.
He can get the necessary forms from the court & go to court without a lawyer - a lawyer would help though.
You have two separate issues. There is a court order requiring him to do X. The only way to change it is to go through the court which ordered X and request modification. In his circumstances, it should be easy and he can probably handle this on his own.

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