cracking foundation, failure to disclose

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New Member
my wife recently purchased a home from realtors who buy and sell properties. they are the lender on the property as well. there are several problems with the house such as significant cracks in the foundationmeasuring as much as 1 and a half inches. The bathroom has some rotten wood in the joist and it has been rigged up with plywood so the shower doesnt fall in. is there any law protecting the buyers in this situation.



p.s. dont know what tags are or how to use them sorry!
Did your wife pay to have a licensed inspector check out the house before she purchased this?

She could also have hired such an inspector prior to placing a bid on a house.

She could also have written into her bid that the final acceptance of the contract was contingent upon the results of a home inspection. If the inspection yielded repair concerns her option could have included renegotiating the terms of the contract so that the sellers would be responsible for fixing these, that the price of the house be lowered to reflect the cost of her fixing these things or that the exent of the damage was so great to negate the contract without her losing her earnest money.

Unless your wife has extensive knowledge on home building, (foundations, roofs, plumbing, electrical wiring, etc.) the several hundreds dollars spent on home inspections is well worth it.


And if she actually had an inspector check out the house and s/he failed to note that on the inspection form, she can always go after him/her for negligence.
No she did not. there were situations that forced her to take what she could afford. we were evicted from where we were living, i had just moved back in. My credit is not good so it was all her as far as the mortgage is.She can get out of it buy paying the penalty's. I was just wondering if there was anything she can do as far as legally. I feel she was totally taken advantage of. You dont have to be in the trades to see that a house has issues and i am quite sure they knew what was up with the foundation of the house.

thanks again really appreciate all the posts.

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