Crazy neighbor has key to my apartment

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New Member
HELP! I just found out that my weirdo neighbor (who is also twice my age,married, and has asked me out to the flea market and breakfast) has been entrusted by my landlord to hold keys to MY apartment. I confronted him about the matter yesterday and he claimed that my landlord gave the key to him when I first moved in almost a year ago. I asked him if he had keys to the other units and he does NOT. I am FURIOUS about this but I do not know what the law is about this matter if my landlord has given him the key. I DO NOT trust this man or his wife whatsoever, they are creepy. What can I do?????
Ask the landlord if his story is true?
If it is, why?
If it isn't, ask your landlord if he will change the locks.
If he says no, ask him why.
I agree, it's more than creepy, it's dangerous and bordering on illegal.

If your landlord says no, tell him/her what this creep has been doing. He could be a rapist, a thief, or both!

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