Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion crazy

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New Member
well my soon to be husband is being charged with 18 counts of burglary and he only robbed 2 houses and they only have evidents from one house but they are try to pin all the rest of the houses on him i want to know could they do that but they ran all the b felonys together as one b felony and this is his first offense and his bond is 500,000 that is being so harsh he has been in jail for six months since his son was 4months now he is 9months
and i am now pregnant do in march so what should he do cause my kids need their father
They will have to prove it to the court.
You really want to marry a man who "only" burglarized two houses? This is a proper role model for the children?

In any event, as SJ said, they will have to prove the elements of any crime in court. One burglary conviction is sufficient to send him to prison. And with a $500,000 bail SOMEONE thinks he is a big risk to the community.

- Carl
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