credit agency after wife for exhusbands new bills

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I'm posting for a friend of mine - to make a long story short:

they've been divorced for over 3 years. in the divorce decree, she got the car, he got the truck. both vehicles were registered in both names, and still are. the loan company will not remove a name from a loan until the loan is paid.

meanwhile, she is continuously harassed by credit agencies and the loan company for unpaid truck payments and *new* parking tickets that he continues to get, which come to her because her name is also on the title. even though she has explained the divorce decree to them, the collectors for the parking tickets insist that she pay them because they say the plates are in her name. (she thinks they are in both names) he moved to a different state 3 years ago and refuses phone calls, emails, and letters. she has even contacted his mother, who says she can't get in touch with him either.

other than putting an explanation to these charges on her credit reports, is there anything she can legally do to get her name removed from this stuff since he refuses to answer any of her attempts at contact? this is ruining her credit, and she's got people harassing her for money she doesn't have for bills she didn't run up - bills that occured *after* the divorce. does she have any legal rights concerning this? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated - the poor girl is losing sleep and pulling her hair out.
When my parents divorced my mom got all of my dads bills including all of the past taxes he never paid and she had to file bankruptcy for it. When she asked "why" she was told because she WAS married to him and they couldnt find him. I know its not real help but try to give some insight. I know bankruptcy sucks.
the main problem here is not the bills from the marriage, it is bills that he is racking up *right now* in unpaid parking tickets more than 3 years *after* the divorce is final.

since the divorce decree states the truck is his and not hers, is there any way these collection agencies can actually make her pay for his parking tickets?
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