Credit card debt from a friend

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New Member
A little over a year ago I got accepted for a David's Bridal credit card to help a former friend out with her wedding that was coming up in just only 4 months. I was told if I got accepted that her and her mother would take care of the bill. The total of the purchases made was $1,833.91. I've wrote both my former friend and her mother asking them to start making payment so my credit wouldn't be ruined. They told me that money was tight at the moment but they will make the payments. Now, the amount on the credit card is $2,724.04 And they are refuseing to pay. I've saved and printed all the emails that were sent and recieved as evidence that this wasn't a gift and verifying that they said they would start paying. Would this be enough to use in court? I have no idea what my right are in the case. Also the purchase was made in FL and I am currently living in MA. Would I need to go to court in FL?
Print all emails and save them. Make a demand for payment (certified is best) in this letter explain how they agreed to do this and how they failed to meet their promises. Site dates times etc if you can or reference emails and calls. Tell them in this letter they have (insert days, weeks etc) to start paying or you will be forced to sue them in court. This should still be within small claims so your costs (if sueing) should be minimal. If it goes to court dress nice (conservative is best) have all documents ready and in some reasonable order you can find quickly. Even if you think a document may not be needed have it anyways
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