credit card debt

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I am a Florida resident and I am being sued over an old credit card debt. The last payment I made on the account was June 2004. I am being taken to court in September. Does the statute of limitations apply in this case?
statute of limitations in Florida is 4 years from date that it was turned over to collections. In most cases it takes 3-4 months before a creditor turns a delinquent account to collections. So its cutting it close but they are still with in there rights to turn to the courts and even garnish your accounts and wages. I would get a lawyer and try to settle your debit it will prevent extensive wage garnishing and have your credit trashed even more.
I spoke with a lawyer briefly. I was told that a credit card is a written contract and that there is a 5 year statute of limitations. Is this correct?
Contracts have vary from card to card a typical lone is 4 years. its important to note that letting it go will trash your credit. A lawyer will be able to look better into your personal contract and give you more in depth advice.
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