Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks Credit Card Fraud(?)

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When married, I used to take care of my 80+ year old mother-in-law. I paid her bills (I had financial power of attorney), did her shopping, took her to all doctor's appointments, managed her health care, (I had medical power of attorney) etc. At the time, my ex (we are now separated) did not have enough income to cover our bills. My mother-in-law repeatedly would tell us to put our expenses on her credit card, pay bills, groceries etc so we did. Her son, bought some items, ie., computers, software, monitors, air srubbers, etc on her credit card as well (with her permission). My ex was diagnosed with a serious illness and in order to qualify for medicare, my mother-in-law signed a letter to the state of California acknowledging that she was giving us at least $1500 a month to pay rent/bills.

Her son and I separated in April 2010, and he informed me that his sister and his mom had discovered the money I "stole" December 2010. At the time of separation, there was a $17K credit card bill. He has indicated that his sister has directed his mom to an attorney and that I am facing allegations of credit card fraud, elder abuse (as I did not pursue a dental appointment in between her hospitalizations) and facing years of jail time.

Since our separation, I have gotten a job, (July 2010-Present) and I am the sole provider for our 16 y/o daughter. I pay my bills, taxes, our daughter's health insurance etc, completely without any help from my estranged husband. He, on the other hand moved in to his mom's 1 bedroom apartment, and has not gotten a job since recovering from his illness in 2011. He has continued to live off his mom as we had to while together, while I have become completely self sufficient.

My question is, would I be held liable for the full credit card debt ($17K)? Would they have a case against me? He has also made implications that with fines and penalties the debt is over $180K and I am looking at jail/prison time. He says his sister is pushing their mother to file against me out of anger because I pursed the separation despite his illness and that the only reason he is holding them back is because it would only hurt our daughter. He has also made implications that this case could be filed against me indefinitely.

I do not have a savings, we live essentially month to month but my daughter and I manage. I don't have the means to hire an attorney but need to get some advise.

Would they have a case against me?
Thank you in advance,
Mom is responsible for the debt. Don't worry about this the least bit or even acknowledge the matter unless you are contacted by law enforcement or served papers for a civil suit. If that ever happens then contact an attorney before you say a word to anyone.
With the information you provide it sounds highly unlikely you have any responsibility at all and the ex is just running his yapper.
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