Face it.......The entire ordeal is an embaresment, But it's not your fault. You could file a police report and they wil investigate it to determine if your father broke the law, and then they will forward their findings to the DA for prosecution. The creditors in question will more than likely press charges. As far as he getting the debt place on him.....It doesn't actually work like that. The first thing to do is insist that it be removed from your credit file. If your dad is going to have to pay it back then the judge would have to order restitution to the creditor. You may also have a lawsuit against your Dad, and the creditors. The creditors should have verified WHO was opening up these accounts. Their neglegence in this has caused damages to you because of it destroying your credit reputation, and caused undo stress.
ID theft is no joke.......In fact it's a very rapidly growing crime and has had a severe impact on consumer debt, and has caused the credit industry to increase intrist rates, and raise fee's. We are ALL VICTIMS because of people like your Dad.
Good luck.