Creepy & rude neighbor!

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I hope someone can help me out. I bought my first house a year ago and almost immediately noticed my neighbor was very weird and creepy. I also learned that he has had trouble with other former neighbors in the past. He has done a number of things that are creepy since we moved in, but each act if left by itself would be unremarkable. It is the culmination of these weird moments that make us (wife and kids)creeped out.
My questions are that he has some hedges that divide our property and his property extends about six inches past the hedges, and he continues to come around the hedges to mow the six inches of grass that is on the other side. These six inches look like it is our property an run along the side of our house. I think he is actualy stepping on our property to mow those six inches though. Does he have the right to do this?
Also, he mows the lawn at night like 9:30pm in the dark. He is also out in his yard until about 12am or 1am very often and it is very creepy, because we think we are being watched. It is his property but we are very uncomfortable in our own home while he is out there at night.
We were able to ignore all these things until recently when he put up some plastic tape on the property line behind the hedges to mark off the property. He was upset because I mow those six inches of property as well. I asked him if the tape and posts were permanent and he got very bitter and rude. We argued as a result and I walkjed away. It has been very uncomfortable since then. We are gettied worried that he is going to be a very troubling neighbor. It is hard to explain how creept this guy is, but is there anything we can do to keep him from making us so uncomfortable?
Unfortunately, no. The fact that he is a weirdo does not make him a criminal! You just need to totally ignore him or keep conversations to a minimum. If he does anything that violates your HOA or POA, then report him so he can receive a violation letter.
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