Cricket stole my active tmobile phone number

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New Member
My current active phone number of almost ten years was ported from Cricket to T-mobile in Feb. 2011. I noticed in May I couldn't dial out without multiple attempts and then I started getting a lot of wrong number phone calls swearing they had the right number. My phone starts exploding now every night and all early morning hours with calls for 'teeners', 'quops' and other druggy terms. I got one guy that asked 'hey you still got the hot credit card?" I also get similar text messages. Last night a guy called and threaten to kill me! Obviously he thought he was talking to someone else; people just don't believe me when I try to explain the situation.

Well I have had enough, after several days talking to Cricket they still haven't fixed the problem. Further T-Mobile insists on charging me for service, but I can't call out most of the time.

From what I understand, the FCC law states two carriers can't bill for the same number. Is this true and how can I use this to my advantage?

I have been threatened and feel violated because of Crickets mistake - how can I hold them liable for my sleepless nights and lack of cooperation in remedying this matter?

I am usually pretty passive, but Cricket should be taught a lesson so more stringent safe guards can be put in place to prevent such violations from happening to other people.

I only make $60K / yr so I can't fight a loosing battle in court - nor do I want to waste time and cause myself more stress; but I would really like to know what recourse I have in this matter and what I can do for compensation of my loss and state of mind.

Thanks in advance - and I didn't see an appropriate place in this forum for this topic, I hope I didn't mess that up. I really don't know what I can do about this if anything...

Your quickest and easiest solution is to get a new phone number, and maybe to consider a new service. You won't get anywhere trying to mkae some sort of legal argument to spare your number.
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