Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Criminal Background Check

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I was arrested for DUI in 1986 in Phoenix on what was to be my last night in town before moving back to Illinois. I hired an attorney for $650 and he recommended that go ahead and leave the state and that his office would take care of everything, if not they would contact me. I ended up staying an extra 45 days while I got the arrest in order before leaving. About two months later I got a notice from Maricopa County, forwarded to my Illinois address, stating that a warrant had been issued for my arrest on a "Failure to Appear". I contacted the atty and he stated that everyone in his office was sick the week of my court date and they missed it but that everything would be taken care of. Eight years ago I moved back to AZ and I wanted to get any lingering issues from this incident resolved. I contacted MVD and wanted to check to see if I had any outstanding jailtime on the DUI charge or something like that and the clerk stated that I had to pay $10 to have my suspended license reinstated. When I asked what it was for, she stated that the record had dropped from the system and I just owed $10. I have been pulled over for traffic violations since I have been back but none of the officers ever mentioned any warrants. Am I to assume that the Failure to Appear has been satisfied since it appears that the disposition of the original charge appears to have ended with the suspension of my DL? I have checked all of the available online resources for Maricopa County/Phoenix and can't find any record of my past. Will a background check come up with the same results or should I disclose the arrest on my job applications that request it, just to cover my bases? Additionally what charge would I put down when they ask for convictions...technically I was never convicted of the FTA and I am assuming that I was convicted in absentia on the DUI charge.
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