Criminal damaging

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New Member
I just found out friday night i had a warrant since last june (2007) for breaking out a window of a business one night while highly toxicated. I thought they were just wanting me to pay for it and then that would be that but apparently not. Well friday night i got extremely intoxicated again to the point of not rememebring what happened. I woke up in stark county jail and i guess i gave false information, which doesnt make since that i was trying to hide my identity because i said i was 14 then i said i was born in 2006 and im thinking i was jsut so drunk i didnt know where i was or who i was. Im really a 22 year old male with classes scheduled to start school here in about a month and was wondering if im probably going to go to jail and if so if there is anyway i can negotiate some kind of deal to get out of it and jsut pay for everything and myabe get some probation or something.
thanks alot for any advice.
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