Other Criminal Procedure Criminal defense help


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I am currently on Probation in a specialty court system it has been brought to my attention that an officer has evidence against me to arrest me on but is giving me the option to go in and fill out a report and by doing so he will not arrest me but will however seek restitution. What does that mean for my current probation status? Is there new charges then or is it being settled outside of that?
I am currently on Probation in a specialty court system it has been brought to my attention that an officer has evidence against me to arrest me on but is giving me the option to go in and fill out a report and by doing so he will not arrest me but will however seek restitution. What does that mean for my current probation status? Is there new charges then or is it being settled outside of that?

Before you confess to ANYTHING, consult a real, licensed lawyer in your county.

Never agree to rat yourself out, unless you receive the DEAL or IMMUNITY offer in writing before you confess.

Logic and common sense tell me that whenever the police have the "goods" on a person, they don't need a confession.
Some officers like to seek one, thinking a confession makes a conviction easier.

No one, unaffiliated with your case can assure you that you won't be arrested or charged.
No one, at this point, but the police and probation agents know what they claim you were caught doing.
If you know, don't comment, don't even admit it to your lawyer.

Its irrelevant for any criminal defendant to ever admit me (a licensed defense lawyer, among other things) that he or she did anything.
The law presumes ALL of us innocent UNTIL proven guilty ina court of law, or foolishly pleading guilty.
If the state charges you, the state must prove your guilt.
Be smart, lawyer up, shut up.
Don't break their laws, and if they get you caught up in their trolling nest for breaking their laws, shut yer yapper.

One of my law partners says, "Don't dance with the devil, don't kiss the devil, don't even shake his paw, and never tell the devil you love him."

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