criminal father tries to get more visitation time.

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My ex and I have a 4 year old and already have a custody order in place but every time he gets mad he takes me back to court. He's asking for 50/50 or the right to first refusal. My issues are that he is a criminal. He is still on parole and has been in jail twice since the birth of our son for a total of 16 months. He is still doing illegal activities and with our son. He is a very bad influence and my concern is him getting any more time and our son picking up on these activities. It scares me because it is his future in jeopardy. I do not have an attorney because I can not afford one so I am on my own. Any advice?
My ex and I have a 4 year old and already have a custody order in place but every time he gets mad he takes me back to court. He's asking for 50/50 or the right to first refusal. My issues are that he is a criminal. He is still on parole and has been in jail twice since the birth of our son for a total of 16 months. He is still doing illegal activities and with our son. He is a very bad influence and my concern is him getting any more time and our son picking up on these activities. It scares me because it is his future in jeopardy. I do not have an attorney because I can not afford one so I am on my own. Any advice?

None of what you allege about dad is relevant.

The standard to be a parent in this country is very low.

And, from what you say, dad is well within the boundaries of that standard.

And, before you say but, but, but; the court is going to ask you, "Isn't this guy YOU picked to be the father of the child you carried to term?"

You see, the court isn't going to second guess or critique your choices.

However, you must now live with those choices.

You sew seeds of a bitter fruit, you'll reap a bitter crop.

I suggest you borrow the money from a friend, relative, or bank to hire an attorney.


Because, if you don't, he's going to continue having his attorney steam roll right over you!
I agree. He can be an absolutely craptacular parent, but as long as he's not putting in the child in danger he'll be allowed to parent the child as he sees fit.

What you can request though is a supervised, graduated visitation plan at first - this will allow him and the child to get to know each other again.

He's not going to get 50/50 timeshare unless you agree to it; ROFR is likely though after awhile.

But really Mom, think about it - YOU have your child the majority of the time. He'll pick up your values first - not Dad's. Be a good role model, and teach him good coping skills.

That's your job.
Retail theft, burglary, identity fraud, etc. He has been in jail on many occasions over the past 20 years. He is currently still committing retail theft, trespassing and violating parole.
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