Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree

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New Member
My friend was charged with criminal mischief 2nd degree for scratching up a vehicle in PA. The damage was $4,000. Is the victim required to get more than one estimate? Is it common to get a jail sentence for this misdemeanor? Or just fines & restituion? Should he definetly get a lawyer? Would it help to pay the restitution before the court date? Is there anything else he can do to prevent jail time if necessary? Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.
He would not get jail time if this is his first offense. He needs a lawyer if he can afford one………………if not plead not guilty and get a court appointed lawyer. If he gets a lawyer before the court date, the lawyer can try talking to the DA and owner to see if they can work something out and get the case dismissed or get the best possible outcome(plea if necessary). He should not pay restitution without a lawyer's advice. He should be quiet and not try to admit to anything or accept responsibility or even talk the cops or owner without a lawyer.
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