criminal nuisance next door

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New Member
Nuissance. Next door neighbors drug addicts. In and out drug traffic. In and out of jail. Broke my fence down that seperates property lines. They constantly burglarize my house but have not been caught. Police know about this. I see them with my stolen possesions. What remedies do I have in court of law for fence, destruction of property, burglary, living enjoyment?
Thank you
I'm specifically referring to your situation. If they've been convicted of theft and/or destruction of your property, there are avenues available to you. Let's clarify that first :)
I'm specifically referring to your situation. If they've been convicted of theft and/or destruction of your property, there are avenues available to you. Let's clarify that first :)

No, never been caught on my property. They have been arrested on theirs for possession of cocaine and believe nuissance. They are known in the nbrhood for drugs plus.
Thanks for your input.. for some reason this forum is not accepting my. "Thanks for your input"?? (Wanting more characters) Hope this now will get to you.
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