Criminal Records, Expungement Criminal record?

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Is it possible to have a criminal record without ever going to court, or speaking to the police?

I was recently fired from my job for theft. I was having a bit of a drug problem, which I have since kicked. But anyway, I had to meet with the loss prevention specialist and he had me sign a few papers outlining how much I had taken and that I agreed to pay restitution and such. He told me flat out, hey, I'm not here to ruin your life. I've since paid my restitution, but I'm not sure if I have a criminal record. The police weren't called and I never got a court date or anything like that.

Also, if it possible that I have a criminal record, I have no prior offenses whatsoever, I've never even been in trouble before. Perfect school records, solid work history until now. Could I get it expunged? I'm so scared about future jobs and I'm planning on joining the navy. Please help.
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