Criminal tenant, drug crate dropped at house, feds involved

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New Member
My rental property is in Orlando, Florida. I have a crazy situation.
My new tenant gave me first months rent and deposit to move into my house Oct 1. She deposited the money directly into the bank, because she wanted to make sure she secured the house and she was supposedly 'out of town.' I gave her my full name and address so she could do this. In the mean time, I still didn't have a signed lease. I thought this was strange that she would deposit that money to me without it, but I figured she was the one taking the risk.
I agreed to meet her out at the house the following Saturday to give her the keys and have her sign the lease. When she didn't show up, I phoned her and she said something came up and could I leave the keys, because she didn't know when she was able to get to the house and she really had to get out of her current situation ASAP. I gave them to a trusted neighbor and told her to pick them up from him and she agreed to meet me Monday to sign the lease..I know, I know..stupid. She is in her early 30's, very clean cut and well spoken. I thought I could trust her. Again..duh on my part.
That Monday, I was supposed to meet her, she phoned me again and said she had to wait until Friday to get paid, so she could get the lights turned on, because the utility company required an additional deposit. She said she was staying at a friends until then and only had a few things at the house. So, I agreed to wait until then to meet her to sign the lease.
Well, when I got home Monday, I was greeted by detectives asking questions about my new tenant. After they asked me a lot of questions, they told me they were following her for some time and now have the evidence against her to put her away. Apparently, my new tenant wanted to use my house as a drug, drop house. She had a large crate dropped off at my house that the cops picked up!
The detectives asked me to phone her to get her to meet me at the house right away. I did this and just left a message. Surprise, she never phoned me back Monday night. The cops told me they were watching the house and I had nothing to worry about.
Wednesday morning I get a phone call from the detective telling me that my house was broken into. Someone kicked in the front door and the utility room door. (The cops only watched the house for only one night. Gee, who would have thought someone would come looking for a large crate full of drugs and they would wait for the obvious police presence to leave.)
The detective asked me again to phone her to try to get her to meet me. I left her a message stating the house was broken into and I have secured it. i didn't think I would hear from her again, but her greed was overwhelming and later Wednesday night, she phoned me. She told me that she was scared now and didn't want the house, because it was broken into. She stated she lost her job and was going to be out of town for an indefinite amount of time. (Yeah, running from the cops) She asked if I could meet her sister at the house and give her the money she gave me back. I told her I wouldn't and would send her a check if she gave me an address. I told her not to worry about the keys, because the locks were broken and I had to change them anyway. She never mentioned about getting her couches or mattress out of the house. She texted me half an address..shocking.
So, now I have to replace the door jambs and locks for three doors. (I'm going to wait to see if there are anymore break in's before I waste the time and money doing this. I secured the front door with 2x4's screwed into the wall.) The detective says I can keep her deposit and rent money she gave me and items she left in the house. They are also telling me to keep a journal of events.
Yesterday, I received nine phone calls in a row from a private number, over about an hour span. I didn't answer the phone and no voice mail. I'm pretty sure it was her, looking for her money.
What are my rights legally? I have no signed lease and a pair of couches, a mattress and her money. Can the cops supeona me, if and when they catch her?
I want to wash my hands of the situation. I don't feel safe to rent the house out. She did cost me a lot of hassles, not to mention damage. I could have rented it out to someone by now and I'm not sure how long I should wait to even fix and show it again. I know the cops aren't going go protect me any, even though she has my full name and address. I'm not going to call her, or answer any phone calls from strange numbers. I'm scared to go to the house, in case some drug dealer is watching to see who may have their drugs the cops took. I'm an honest, hard working member of society just trying to rent out a house. Now, I'm paranoid to even answer my phone.
I agree with Gail. Tell her you will only meet her. If she agrees call the cops. If she continues to call, tell her that you left her money with the police and give her the name and number of the detective. She can pick it up there. Don't bother leaving the money she won't be coming.

As for the Drug dealers, don't worry. They know you don't have the drugs, she is not running from the cops, she is probably running from them.
Thanks for the reply.
The cops want me to set her up. I have told her that I will only meet and give the money to her. They want me to keep talking to her. The detective wants me to keep playing stupid and wants me to keep trying to set her up. I'm not comfortable doing this. I don't want the repercussions, when she finds out it was me. She has my full name and address. Can the cops make me do this? I Isn't it their job to catch the criminals? They should have been keeping watch on the house more than one day. I mean, someone was going to come looking for the drugs, plus, if the entire neighborhood knew there was a police presence that day, I'm pretty certain she knew it too. I like the idea JHarris, but can the cops do anything to me if I tell her they are after her... even though I'm sure she knows. I kind of want to keep innocent on both sides.
Can they subpoena me when and if she is caught? I don't want any part of this. She didn't seem too concerned about her stuff in the house. Can I get rid of it? How long do you think I should wait until I try to rent out the house again? I don't want to put anyone else in danger. Does she have any legal rights to the money she gave me? Does her criminal involvement legally give me that money?
Thanks for the reply.
Can they subpoena me when and if she is caught?
Yes, the prosecution can compel you to testify under subpoena.

Can I get rid of it?
Up to you. But, you might want to check what the laws say in FL about abandoned property at a rental property. It might require that you store it for a specified period of time before disposing of it.

How long do you think I should wait until I try to rent out the house again?
I don't know if I'd wait too long to rent it out, but you also do not want to knowingly put potential tenants at risk if it gets broken in to again. I don't think that is an easy question to answer.

Does she have any legal rights to the money she gave me? Does her criminal involvement legally give me that money?
I doubt she will make an issue out of it. Everything so far indicates she wants to remain anonymous. if she wants to go to small claims court to sue you for the money, be sure to let the detectives know where she'll be and when she'll be there - I suspect she'll have more important things to worry about.

- Carl
Thanks for the reply Carl.
I have more questions now. If the subpoena me, what can they do to me if I refuse, or don't show up? This has gone too far with me as far as I'm concerned. I work on a freelance basis and I'm not giving up a job for this girl. She has already cost me a lot of money, time and stress.
She is calling me every day now, mostly using *67, so it's showing up private on my phone and I don't answer. She called twice yesterday and actually left one message asking me about the money. I called the detective and left a message. He must have weekends off, as he never called me back.
In the last conversation I had with the detective, he stated that if she's calling me, then she must not be absolutely sure if the cops are on to her. I like the suggestion JHarris gave. Can I be in trouble if I tell her I gave the money to the cops; therefore, basically telling her the cops are on to her. What if I just don't tell the detective I told her? If this comes down to court, she may say that I told her.
I'm not worried about her taking me to small claims court, I'm worried about some crack head showing up where I live, or destroying my rental property.
I don't want any part of this. I just want her and the cops to leave me alone. I'm just an innocent bystander in all this, just trying to rent out a house.
Thanks again for the advice, it's giving me a lot to think about.
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You can't get in trouble for lying to her. YOU WILL DEFINITELY get into trouble if you ignore a subpoena. A Judge would sent his Sheriffs out with an arrest warrant and let you sit in jail until your next court appearance. They would bring you to the court and release you when they were done with you. Sitting in jail for a few days or a few weeks is really tough on the work schedule. Cooperate. It isn't a choice. Good luck.
If the subpoena me, what can they do to me if I refuse, or don't show up?
As mentioned above, you can go to jail.

Can I be in trouble if I tell her I gave the money to the cops; therefore, basically telling her the cops are on to her.
Legal trouble? Maybe. if you were specifically told not to say such a thing and you do, there might be a code under which they could get you if they wanted to. And if she's on the up and up she can take you to small claims court for the money.

I'm not worried about her taking me to small claims court, I'm worried about some crack head showing up where I live, or destroying my rental property.
Always a concern.

I don't want any part of this. I just want her and the cops to leave me alone. I'm just an innocent bystander in all this, just trying to rent out a house.
Then get the money together, tell her to come by and pick it up, and have her sign a receipt. If she refuses, it's her problem.

- Carl
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