Repairs, Maintenance Crumbling seawall


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I bought a mobile home that is on land adjacent to a lake. The lake level went from -2 feet to 8 feet in 3 months. Flood stage is 9 feet. The wakes are so strong, pieces of wood from the "seawall" were being ripped away. I emailed the US army corpse of engineers public affairs dept. They suggested I contact the water resources dept and the county office of emergency services. I even emailed the army's special assistant for levee safety. The water resources program coordinator finally replied end. said he came out two days in a row with his kayak and saw nothing wrong with the wall. I continue to send him videos of the wood ripping off the wall. He said it was not an eminent threat. He also told me that maybe I should hire somebody myself to come out and repair it. Finally, I sent an email to the property owner who said they also do not think it is very important. However, in the last few days, the cement at the top of the wall has cracked in numerous places and has shifted a good 3 to 5 inches. And now it, is pulling away from the dirt in my backyard. My back deck is only about 3 feet away from this seawall and I feel that my safety is in danger . My son and I, who are both disabled are the only ones living here, and we have nowhere else to go. I receive SSDI and my son gets no income. I honestly think within two weeks, parts of this wall will have crumbled into the lake, and my backyard will be extremely exposed to the potential of the lake flooding my yard and home. I feel like I have run out of options but every day I see the wall shifting more and more. . I have also found about six sinkholes along the land side of the wall. I have been trying to have this issue addressed since May 6 with no avail.
First, rule out human causes for your feature. Some sinkholes are caused by leaky underground pipes (talk to your utility company) and some are old construction pits or other buried materials that have settled.

If you're confident of a natural cause for your sinkhole, options include:

Check your homeowner's insurance policy to see if you might be covered (depending on which state you live in, most insurance policies don't cover damage due to natural sinkholes).

If you're concerned about damage to gas, electric, water, or sewer lines, contact the appropriate utility company.

Contact your State Geological Survey. They are the experts on the geology of your area and they might be able to explain why a sinkhole is forming at your location. Some states have extensive online information about sinkholes, including a place to report them.

You might need to hire a professional geologist or geotechnical engineer to help you determine exactly what's happening and how it might be mitigated.

Contact: California Geological Survey
715 P Street, MS 1901
Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 445-1825
(916) 445-5718

California Geological Survey


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