CS Reduction - Geo.Change in Circumstances

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New Member
This seems like a no-brainer, but I'm just looking for other perspectives.

I am the CP, living in VA. NCP moved last month from Mass, with 2 children, to VA. Children now live within 17miles. Both parents fairly amicable, and new parenting plan is in the work to allow for ~25% visitation for NCP.

VA child support guidelines are 40% lower than Mass (approx $1100 less, in this case). CP doesn't work, despite $27K imputed income factored into child support obligation. NCP works 1 full time job plus 1 part time (Reserves). No unusual medical circumstances for anyone involved, kids are 10 and 13 and both straight-A students. Both CP and NCP have remarried and are in stable suburban households.

My position, as the NCP, is that I'd like to spend the difference on the kids at the time & place of my choosing. Currently, I'm overpaid by $2000 (long story), and have a track record - documented - of paying for camps, extras, etc.

My question is twofold:

1. Does the move from MA to VA, with the family now colocated, nominally constitute a "change of circumstances?"

2. If the two parties can't sort it out on their own, would the VA judge be likely to reset the $$ figure based on VA guidelines, or would s/he let the dollar figure for MA stand, since there's virtually no change in cost of living? Would the judge be more likely to move to the (lower) VA guideline amount to send a messag to the the "deadbeat CP" who's not making any financial contribution?

Dad in VA
You would have to change venue to VA to have child support set in that state. I don't know how difficult it would be to have it done. I was told from an attorney in Indiana that if the venue changed, and the NCP fought it, it could be changed to where the NCP lives. (Ex: my ex moved to KY, I lived in IN, CS was in MI. If I tried to change mine to Indiana that ex could fight it and have changed to KY.) I don't think moving to another state constitutes a change in circumstances. All your child support would not change until you change venue to VA. Everything would be done in Mass.

I would consult with child support office or an attorney. I hope this helps.

Good Luck.
Registraton is the easiest part....

G. - -
Thanks for your reply!

re: >>You would have to change venue to VA to have child support set in that state. I don't know how difficult it would be to have it done...<<

thats actually the most straightforward part UIFSA allows for Registration of an out-of-state order if all parties have left that state, and its especially provided for if all parties have then moved to the same state. Section 613 of UIFSA states:

" (a) If all of the parties who are individuals reside in this State and the child does not reside in the issuing State, a tribunal of this State has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing state's child-support order in a proceeding to register that order."

See UIFSA Modification Guidelines for details.
Similar Case Law Examples??

Does anyone out there have a caselaw example similar to this one, where all parties relocated to the same state...and the outcome was...either way??

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