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Does anyone know why an ex would give up her rights to have support office help with support? This is a paternity suit if that makes any difference. She can sign back up any time but has to pay a fee to do it.

We filed for modification of support due to less wages, more cost of health insurance, etc. My husband owes her about $2,000 support for this year, otherwise he is current. She has hired an attorney and so have we.

I wanted to know why she would give up her rights to have Prosecutor's office intervene with child support. I'm sure she doesn't want her support to go down but my husband makes about $17,000 less.

Any ideas???

You have to drop help from them to be able to take the case to court on your own. It just has to do with who has jurisdiction. A judge wont listen to a case taken to court with a hired lawyer if the case is already under the CSE office. Been there, done that. He threw out the child support case because I go through the CSE office and he said that he wasn't going to step on the toes of the CSE office.
My husband filed a pro se for modification of child support. We filed first. Would she still be able to hire an attorney? Could we file for her to pay our attorney's fees? We are only hiring an attorney just because she hired one.

I just don't want her to try to pull one over on us. She has pulled one on the support office by turning in a work-related day-care for a child who is 11 1/2 years old and attends school all day. The support office took it because it was notarized. Which isn't that hard because all they are doing is notarizing the signature not what is in the letter from her supposed babysitter.

This woman is very vindictive person. I'm tired of her trying to get more and more money from my husband. I don't have a problem with him having an another child (before we were together). Just her. We'll have to put up with her until the child is emancipated.

Thanks for any help,
She probably wanted to hire an attorney on her own because an attorney working for her is going to work harder than the CSE office is. In fact the CSE office says (whenever I have to show up to their court with them because my ex has stopped paying support) that they don't work for me even though they are doing the child support enforcement for me. So they would not be able to represent her in a court case. She's going to try to fight the change in wages and it's hard to know for sure but she has a good chance if your husband owes her any back child support. I have read that they wont lower wages if you owe arrearages but you still have to try because your case might be different or your state law might be different.
We are going to try to pay most of the arrearages before court in Dec. What I can't believe is that they will raise it for her but they won't lower it for him. He is making about $17,000 less than that year. Part of the problem is that he is self-employed. They will change it on a good year but not lower it for a bad year. Seems kind of one sided which is sad for the non-custodial parent.

My husband's support record with her is good (except he was injured in a job related injury and was off work for 6 months a couple of years ago). In 11 years of paying support, he has only been behind the year he was injured and this year for lack of wages to keep it current. We are trying to pay extra each week to show an effort to pay up arrears. When he went to court for the arrears during the year he was off work, the judge told her that he was not paying to hide money so she went to have it modified.

Hopefully, everything will work out.

Thanks for the info,
Good luck.
Yes, it's usually the good non-custodial parents who are paying the money and at least trying that get the shaft. The ones that switch jobs all the time and stop paying (like my ex who owes over $17,000 in arrearage) don't hardly get in trouble for it. The system isn't really fair to the ones who fall behind because of a good reason versus the ones who just don't want to pay.
We go see our attorney this week. Hopefully, he will be able to help us as much as hers does. I'm tired of the system only working for the custodial parent and not the other. Especially when we make every attempt to work with her. I think she is just mad because her child was unwanted by my husband at the time. We don't see her (that is not on my part.) We have done everything the CSE has asked (health insurance, paying arrears up, etc. They just want more and more.

I'm glad I'm not like that. I always try to work with my ex. It's not worth the hassle to argue and sometimes it bites me in the butt. I don't have anything weighing on my conscience. But others are not like that. They are all for taking someone to the cleaners. Plus she is not exactly honest with the support office herself. Turning in a $80 a week daycare for a child in school all day (11 years old).

Even though, my husband is self-employed. We never try to hide money. I just want to be able to raise our child like he should be.

Thanks for your help,
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