Criminal Records, Expungement Curious

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I have a few arrest misdemeanor warrant pending . Even though they are for unpaid fines and skipping court dates (contempt)should they not take me in ? I have had these warrant for quite some time and in that time I have been stopped at least 6 times. I have one previous shoplifting charge as well of other misdemeanors .Also in that time I have been shoplifting even though it is an enhancable offense.Could it be possible for them to be waiting on a certain money quota line that I will possibly exceed from shoplifting at different places, and then when they have a numerous amount of evidence that is "NO DOUBT"guilty and the dollar sign quota is reached charge me with the highest charge of grand larceny and bury under the jail or prison? What would you suggest is goin on ? Is it just a coincidence?My warrants are showing up to the officers because they tell me, so its not a glitch .Is it possible I or someone around me is under investigation and if so, how could I found out?
It sounds as if your warrants are petty, and likely from another jurisdiction than where you spoke with the officers. Have you moved?
If you want to take care of it call the local courthouse and see if they accept walk-ins for minor warrants. You might be able to walk right back out with no jail time. You can also go to the sheriff department in the county the warrants are from. They might issue citations for the warrants and give you a court date, but they might also take you into custody. If taken into custody it would likely only be for a day until you see a judge. Just don't turn yourself in on a weekend.
If you simply STOPPED STEALING, the mystical threshold wouldn't be exceeded.
Wanna find out about warrants?
Ask your favorite, friendly, local bail bondsman.
He or she can tell you how much moola you'll need to get sprung, how many warrants are in the system, and exactly why they want you.
It is best that you take care of these warrants so they don't follow you around forever. We have no way of knowing why they haven't taken you in yet.
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