Currupting the Rule of Law by Lawyers


Try to put aside the notion of Trump winning a second term in office. Focus instead on what is happening to our judicial system in an attempt to get Trump and his supporters and at any cost to the rule of law.

Criminal defendants have a Sixth Amendment right to counsel and that right is guaranteed regardless of the defendant's ability to pay.

"Of all the rights than an accused person has, the right to be represented by counsel is by far the most pervasive, for it affects his ability to assert any other rights he may have." United States v. Cronic, 466 U.S. 648 (1984).

I don't know how many members of this forum are attorneys. I'm sure of only two. I think we should all be concerned that when attorneys try to limit representation of the accused, we should be concerned. Because of what happens now will be carried forward.

I invite you to read about the The65Project where lawyers prevent representation of the accused by lawyers of the defendant's choice. This project files ethics complaints (82 to date) against lawyers that represented or want to represent Trump or his supporters, in order to prevent them from getting approval to practice in another state.

65 Project - InfluenceWatch - InfluenceWatch

The65Project. Read some of the complaints.

So, my question is (since some moderators require a question), is this ethical, is it dangerous to our system of justice, is it in direct conflict with the Sixth Amendment?
So, my question is (since some moderators require a question), is this ethical, is it dangerous to our system of justice, is it in direct conflict with the Sixth Amendment?

The Founders gifted their progeny with a rather unique form of government. It wasn't perfect, but our attempts to perfect it have harmed it.

Some questions answer themselves, for example, the one you asked above, mate. In my humble opinion, the 65 Project is doing great harm to those with whom they disagree.

Only time will reveal if the harm being caused by these latest legal demons is mildly disruptive or permanently detrimental.
So, my question is (since some moderators require a question), is this ethical, is it dangerous to our system of justice, is it in direct conflict with the Sixth Amendment?

It's not a violation of the Sixth Amendment as that only applies to the government seeking to restrain the accused persons choice of attorney. It violates no ethical rule for lawyers, but it does go against the spirit of the laws and ethics rules we have. And it's a big waste of taxpayer money to pay for the review of these complaints, as most of them will fail.

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