So my husband has two kids from and ex wife. I would like to know what Michigan rights are on child support and custody. One of his kids wants to stay with us and we want the kids to stay with us if they would like. They have a 50/50 agreement and he still has to pay child support. How do I make the court see that she works full time for cash only and has he boyfriend love with her that has a tax paying job? I just want what is best for the kids and still helps the kids out without getting to involved. So far I would like to know what can be done or if anything could be.
If you know what is good for you, stay out of it.
That is your husband's mess.
He has standing to go to court and seek to have the order changed.
You, on the other hand, have none.
You are a legal stranger.
As far as what righst the kids have, NONE.
Children are legal incompetents in the eys of the law.
A child's rights, such as they are, flow through the custodial parent; in your husband's situation.
The court has no duty to even ask a child where the little snowflake wants to live.
As far as child support, not going to change.
What the mother of the children is doing is none of your business, either.
That applies to her, as far as your business is concerned, too.
If the children are being abused, neglected, molested, etc..., contact "911", or child services.