custody of my child


New Member
My daughter was taken out of the state of Michigan. My final support order from the court, states that my daughter's mother can not leave and take her with her without the court's permission. What documents would I need to pick my daughter up without being accused of kidnap, (I'm sure she will object to me showing up and taking her, without police involved)... Hope to hear back from someone soon I need advise asap... Thanks.
You start by returning to court where the order was issued.
You'll need to prove to the court she broke the order by moving out of Michigan.
You can discuss the matter with a lawyer.
You might not want to just show up at anyone's home uninvited.
I wouldn't go & just pick up the child. You will need to let the court know the court order was not followed by the Mother.
If you know where she is going to school, contact the legal department of the school district, fax them your court orders and ask if the school will release her to you.
This will avoid a conflict with the mother. The police of one state may not be willing to assist you enforce the orders of another state.
If you know where she is going to school, contact the legal department of the school district, fax them your court orders and ask if the school will release her to you.
This will avoid a conflict with the mother. The police of one state may not be willing to assist you enforce the orders of another state.

I don't see how snatching a child is going to avoid conflict.
Nor are schools fond of being used as a means for one parent to get back at another. Faxing a court order that says you get junior is pointless. No school is going to send a kid off with someone based on a faxed piece of paper.

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