custody order

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In pur custody order it says, on "memorial day holiday, parties will plan accordingly" what the heck does that mean? in all previous orders I have always had the kids memorial day.
In pur custody order it says, on "memorial day holiday, parties will plan accordingly" what the heck does that mean? in all previous orders I have always had the kids memorial day.

It could mean many things, as I'm unsure as to the context the phrase was written. But, literally it means that the mom and dad are free to decide between themselves with whom the kiddies party, or free to party with both parties. Mom and dad are to work out the Memorial Day schedule. Actually, many people that are friendly like that language. However, if you don't, you'll have to return to court and convince the judge to decide for both of you. Some judges will, some judges will say go away.
we have never been able to work things out on our own. this is the first year it hasn't said memorial day with the mother.
Memorial Day is now over so I assume something got worked out/settled.
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