Negligence, Other Injury CVC 22450 (a)

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I was driving at night when I got into accident. I T-boned a car on the tail part. The police came after the incident happen. After few days, I rec'd my traffic ticket with violation of CVC 22450 (a). I was wondering, how did he come up with 22450 violation when he was not around during the time of accident, no cameras around as well. I was thinking of contesting it..
It could be based upon witness statements, skid marks, or other evidence. It is likely the investigation revealed that you must have run the stop in order to have the collision.
I was driving at night when I got into accident. I T-boned a car on the tail part. The police came after the incident happen. After few days, I rec'd my traffic ticket with violation of CVC 22450 (a). I was wondering, how did he come up with 22450 violation when he was not around during the time of accident, no cameras around as well. I was thinking of contesting it..

California state law permits an accident investigator who has completed a specific course of training to issue a citation for violations he has determined occurred during a collision event. As MM indicated, it is likely that the investigator determined you ran a stop sign and caused the collision.
You're still welcome to contest if you believe you have a "defense." The court decides if, based on the evidence, you violated the law. Period. It seems there might be evidence that you caused the accident.

I don't believe it would be worth talking to a traffic law attorney.
Who has completed a specific course of training to issue a citation for violations he has determined occurred during a collision event.....
I suspect the OP's court date has long since come and gone - this was 8 months ago.

And, yes, to be issued a citation based upon the results of a collision investigation, the officer must comply with VC 40600 and have completed a course approved by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. I suspect that was the case.
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