

New Member
I have been getting cyberstalked for the past four years, now almost five. It started out as what I thought was trolling on a social media site. But it didn't stop, instead it continued and got worse over time. At first the person was spewing how I talked behind a person's back then it became to where I had gotten rape and death threats and them posting a hate page about me saying how I harassed a minor when I never did. They have also been saying things like I'm a whore, slut, that I hired hackers, that I am sick etc. The biggest slander and defamation that is bothering me now is the fact they are falsely accusing me of sharing child pornography to a minor and even reported me to the cops and they had a reference number. I don't have access to child pornography, I think that is disgusting. This has me so shaken up to the point I feel sick. I have filed two police reports and have gone to the FBI but none of them will do anything. I don't know what to do for I have already deleted most of my social medias because they have followed me from site to site to site. They have even pretended to be me and signed me up on a sex site. Using my old email which I had to delete, they signed me up on pornhub which I didn't even want to be on and they were spamming hate into my inbox. I don't know who the person is for they hide behind a crap ton of accounts and just keep making them. What do I do?
Why would anyone want to do this, and why for so long?

That is probably one of the first questions police would ask. Based on the information you are providing there really isn't much for them to do.

You likely have a very different problem than the one you raise here, but I agree you should delete all of your social media and change your email address to eliminate your concerns.
What will happen with the false accusation and false report?
Just because someone posted a "reference number" doesn't mean a report was actually made and if you had been charged with a crime you would likely have found out about it already.


See I just created a reference number. It means nothing.
Kayla, as a former victim of cyber-harassment myself, let me ask you a question. You said you went to the FBI. How did you report it to them?
Kayla, as a former victim of cyber-harassment myself, let me ask you a question. You said you went to the FBI. How did you report it to them?
I emailed them, telling them what was going on and then they gave me a call and had me come to their building which was where I gave them all the evidence I had/have (it has grown since then). They said that it was best I stay off the internet and that there were things that were higher priority to deal with.
Well, they're right about it being a low priority, and if you really stop and think about it I"m sure you can understand why.

This is what I did:

You will not be told what action is taken. But in my case, the harassment did stop.

Would it still work even if I don't know who is behind it?

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