Dad has child carrying child support check to mom

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I know it is frowned on to have the child doing any kind of passing of information between parents. For the last 10 years, my son's dad has always handed it to me directly when I would pick my son up from visitation or drop him off. We have recently changed to 50/50 residential and we don't have as much contact now. I've asked my son's dad to mail the check to me so that I actually get it on time, but he refuses. He also has been sending it with our son. During school he was putting it in our son's school planner and our son was then responsible for getting it to me. Either when he saw me next or via one of his sisters. Now that it is summer, it is the same intent although often late. He hands our son the check and our son is to get it to me when I pick him up from daycare or whatever activity he is doing. I have continually asked my son's dad to mail it to me so it will arrive on time and so our son would not be involved in this issue. He refuses. What are some options to actually get our son out of this mess and to get the check on time? This last week (the check was already a week late) my son lost the check and my son's dad is making him feel bad about it and that has really been the last straw. He is also refusing to cut another check since he already wrote one for this month.
Dad puts check in envelope.

Puts envelope in child's backpack.

Mom gets envelope from child's backpack.

Or open a case with CSE - the monies can be held via garnishment, DD or Dad can mail the check to CSE who will then disburse.
Child support is not court ordered. We've always done it offline.

Our son does not carry a backpack in the summer. It was inconvenient during the school year, but not impossible. Now it has become a problem. Child should not be responsible for the c/s check or any other correspondence. He is already known to have a responsibility problem when it comes to keeping track of his things let alone his dad's things. basically Dad isn't legally obliged to be sending support at all?

Then many would say you're lucky to be getting anything ;)

The easiest way of managing this would honestly be to open up a case with CSE.
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