Dad objecting to care giver expense

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I recently filed for a child support adjustment and got the recommendations back . My daughters dad has filed an objection to the $2600 a year in child care I filed for . I work weekends and always have . I am gone 7 am to 6 pm every Saturday and Sunday . His objection is the our daughter is 14 and is old enough to stay alone . She has a medical disability that makes staying home not only unsafe but unrealistic . Aside from her disability she is involved in marching band , drama , and choir that require her to be at school many times on the weekends for practices and performances . Does he have a chance at winning this objection?
No. He has not taken her overnight for 8 months now and has not even seen her in 4 months . He has states that he no longer wants her over at his house .
Time will tell, OP. No one can predict what the court will decide. You might prevail, dad might prevail, or you'll be ordered to split the difference.

Just an observation from an outsider, be prepared to bring proof in the form of receipts from the girl's weekend caregiver.

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