New Member
my fathers aunt died in new york with no will and no family members listed on the paper work in the nursing home . she had no children or siblings so my dad and his 2 sisters are next of kin. supposedly she died over a year ago and noone even knew till recently but my dad found out one of his siters has retained and attorney and is trying to claim estate for herself. my questions are how would new york handle the estate of someone with no will and no known next of kin would they appoint an administaror themselves to get the tax money . and how can i find out what attorney is handling the case for her so i can call him and let him know my dad exsists . he called his siter and she said she knows nothing her sons hanling it and gave him some crazy story about people stelaing the money and all kinds of lies so obviously shes going behind his back on this. thatnks alot . we live in california so its hard to get info from anyone on phone at the surrogate court thats why im asking here .