Dallas Justice Now Desires All Caucasians to Do More for Non-Caucasians!

army judge

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Caucasians are INSTRUCTED to "Take the Pledge".

To Our White Allies:

You earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color:
Affluent Dallas residents receive BLM letter urging them not to send their kids to Ivy League schools so students of color can get a "special" spot instead.

Talk is not enough. Commit yourself towards taking action and making sacrifices to correct centuries of injustice. Open up spaces for Black and LatinX communities by refusing to send your kids to Ivy League and US News & World Report Top 50 schools and encourage friends, neighbors, and family members to do the same. Imagine if those hundreds of thousands of spots at these institutions were occupied only by marginalized communities. Imagine the opportunities. We can achieve true equity within our lifetimes but only if white folks are willing to sacrifice their privileges.

The Dallas Justice NOW College Pledge:

As a white person with privilege both from my whiteness and my neighborhood I recognize the need to make sacrifices for the purpose of correcting hundreds of years of murder, slavery, discrimination, and lack of educational and economic opportunities perpetrated upon people of color. I understand that access to top schools is a key component in economic and social advancement. Therefore, I commit that my children will not apply to or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School so that position at that school is available for people of color to help correct historical wrongs. If I do not have children under 18 then I will commit to encouraging my white privileged friends, neighbors, and family members with children to sign the pledge and holding them accountable until they do so.

Have you been asked to take the pledge? Don't be a racist hypocrite. Sign the pledge today!

Dallas Justice NOW

Please note Dallas Justice Now will be publicly announcing the names of those who have and have not signed the pledge.

College Pledge — Dallas Justice Now

Dallas Justice Now Asks White Allies to Sign Historic College Pledge; Make Sacrifices to Bridge Wealth and Education Disparities

Group calls on white people not to send kids to Ivy League schools so black students can get a spot | Daily Mail Online
About Us — Dallas Justice Now


Defunding and Re-Defining the Dallas Police Department. A department with a legacy of racism which continues to hunt black men and women cannot merely be reformed. We must re-define community safety.

An end to the Dallas Police Association. Police unions like DPA exist primarily to prevent bad cops from being held accountable.

An end to qualified immunity (essentially, a law that allows police to be exempt from prosecution for acts committed in the course of doing their job) for Dallas Police Officers who turn off their body cameras or otherwise refuse to follow department policy. Many times, cops simply turn off a switch and then can act with impunity and hide behind qualified immunity.

An end to "us versus them" law enforcement. Police officers continue to treat communities of color as a battlefield and continue to dehumanize people of color. An end to discriminatory policing. We want every person regardless of skin color to be treated fairly by law enforcement.

An end to the discriminatory "separate but equal" public education system. Dallas Independent School District is failing children of color. Why are white children in the suburbs given a better education than children of color in Dallas? Why are racist school board members denying children of color access to school choice? We demand access to equal education facilities. And if DISD refuses to provide quality education then we demand school choice.
The problem is it is never enough, never will be enough. If you were born after the civil rights act of 1964 then you have no knowledge of a repressed world as equal opportunity has been a thing for a long time. I predicted when O'Bama became president and the hatred he had for his whiteness that this would not end well. Make no doubt about it, it is a cultural and demographic war whereby they seek to destroy everything they perceive was created under a racist nation.

Good news if things get too intense here with all the crazies then New Zealand is taking in immigrates with priority given to those with skills.

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