Damage by Carpet Installers

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New Member
Water pipe sprung a leak in my apartment. Complex replaced pipe, gave me a new paint job, and new carpeting. However, the carpet installers ruined beyond repair, a $500 desk.

To avoid taking my complex and the carpet installers to court, I am asking if it is okay to seek reimbursement from my complex to the tune of two brand new air conditioners, (which, they have already agreed to on the phone), and, I am seeking $350 check from the carpet installers (which, I have not talked to them, yet).

Am I handling this the correct way?
Sounds a little bit like double-dipping to me. $350 plus two new air conditioners - what's that worth? More power to you if you can get them to go for it.

But yes, you're generally handling the situation the right way. Negotiation beats having to go to court.
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